Members Research
Ghost Signs & Business Signs
Hill Street Hawthorn
Committee member, Elizabeth Love, is researching the area around the original Hawthorn Village and in particular the house at No. 29 Hill Street built in 1858 by James Richardson. Any help with information, photos or details of other families in the area would be most appreciated. Contact her at
Schools In Boroondara
HHS Member John Torpey is interested in the development of education within our area. Which schools existed and which schools have survived and why? He is planning a publication about the schools of Boroondara from settlement to 1945.
The smaller local shops selling groceries were once vital to Hawthorn residents. Elizabeth Yewers is researching their location, and the life stories of the grocers of Hawthorn.
St James Park Estate
Jenny Bowen and Elizabeth Love are creating a photographic record of the St James Estate in 2016. Material will be used as part of a reference resource. Any information from the public is welcome.