Current Publications

 All items can be ordered by contacting us on email. Postage may apply.

  • BOROONDARA’S PRIVATE SCHOOLS , 1851-1951.: A Century of non-government education in the City of Boroondara, John L. Torpey. 2021  $29.90
  • ST JAMES PARK, HAWTHORN – Part One: SHAKESPEARE GROVE, Elizabeth Love & Jennifer Bowen. 2017  $20
  • ST JAMES PARK, HAWTHORN – Part Two: YARRA STREET, Elizabeth Love & Jennifer Bowen. 2019 $22
  • A GLIMPSE OF GLENFERRY – a compilation of articles by Ruth Dwyer written for the Hawthorn Historical Society, 2016. $20
  • A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STREETS OF HAWTHORN – G. McWilliam, revised edition 2004. $22.00
  • HAWTHORN SKETCHES- LIFE ON THE HILL – A companion volume to Life in the Valley (currently out of print) by G. McFarlane. 2000, $22.00
  • BOROONDARA MUSINGS – 2 CD set of collated articles and photographs by Gwen McWilliam $25
  • HAWTHORN VILLAGE WALK – a walking tour of the original Hawthorn Village by E Love, $7.50. Based on work by G. McWilliam.
  • SHADY PLACES – A History of Hawthorn’s Parks, Gardens and ‘Public Property’ by G. McWilliam. $12
  • FAINT TRACES – Chinese in Hawthorn before WWII by D. Nicholas and M. Sheehan, 2002, $15
  • HOW HAS HAWTHORN CHANGED? An educational resource pack including PowerPoint presentation and teacher notes for grades 3-5, by E. Love, 2016. $50 Available on application.
  • HAWTHORN HISTORY WALKS  – Eighteen informative street walks by G. McWilliam are sold in sets for $7.00.  DIGITAL COPIES FREE FOR MEMBERS
    SET 1. Hawthorn Hill, St James Park, Burwood Park, Lower Hawthorn, Fairmount. SET 2.  Kinkora to Barkers, Manningtree, Grace Park, Lisson Grove. SET 3. Glenferrie Hill. Village of Glenferrie, Auburn Hill, Payne’s Paddock. SET 4. Mornane Paddock, Smith’s Paddock, Village of Rathmines, Upper Hawthorn. 


The Society holds a comprehensive collection of records on various aspects of the history of Hawthorn and welcomes your queries concerning local people and places. We can undertake simple queries for no charge. If your query is complex an archival search and retrieval can be undertaken on a fee-for service basis.

The cost of these enquiries conducted by our research team, is calculated at $20 per hour or part thereof for research, with additional costs for printing, packaging and postage.

Alternatively, you can join us at our rooms at 25 Inglesby Road, Camberwell, and we can assist you to access the information you may need. We are there every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 10 am to 1 pm. Also available at other times by appointment.