Saturday 18th August                10 am to 4 pm

The Public Records Office of Victoria has millions of records in its archives; wills, land records, school registers, criminal proceedings… Rich pickings if you know where to look.

On Saturday 18th August, Mark Grealy, from Archival Access, will run two sessions for us to help open the way for you to do your own research at PROV.
The Archival Access website is here:

The morning session will be a general introduction to PROV records – looking at a wide range of PROV records, showing digitised examples of each, what can be found in them and how to search for records yourself from home in the PROV catalogue

The afternoon session will give an in depth look at land records – using parish maps, identify and ordering land records, searching for titles, looking at online resources than can help with land research.

Charges for this event are:
One session (morning or afternoon) – $15
Both sessions                                    – $25
Book before 10th August to receive a discount. One session $12, Two sessions $22.


Saturday 18th August
10 am Registration
10.30 General Public Records Office
12.30 pm Lunch Break
1.30 pm PROV Land Records
4 pm Finish

Venue: Hawthorn Community Precinct (next to the Hawthorn Library)
584 Glenferrie Road
Hawthorn, 3122


Or  9819 1218